Friday, September 30, 2016

—Game Review— Bayonetta

I can't remember now what made me want to play Bayonetta. I ended up buying it, though, and actually enjoyed it. For the most part.


Published by SEGA
Developed by Platinum Games / Nex Entertainment
Released 2009 | Action
For Xbox 360, PS3 | Review: Xbox 360
*Rated M for Mature 17+*
Blood and Gore | Intense Violence | Partial Nudity
Strong Language | Suggestive Themes
(Click HERE for ESRB rating details.)

HGG rating: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 6/10

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Throwback Thursday (#1) - Let's Get Retro!

The newest blog series in which I expound upon the virtues of retro gaming...

***Let's Get Retro!***
Throwback Thursday

Where, oh where do I start with this one? How about a simple post introducing the new blog series? Yeah, that's what this first post will be. Welcome!

Let's start this off right, shall we? I started gaming on an NES. Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior... ah, memories. 

My oldest brother had an Atari once upon a time. I think he actually got it after Mom bought the NES. A friend of mine had an Atari too. That meant hours of Ms Pac-Man, Asteroids, Frogger, and some other games I'd only played in the arcade before.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What You Missed Wednesday (9/21-9/27)

The series of blog posts in which I catch you up on any post you might have missed in the past seven days....

**What You Missed Wednesday**
September 21-27, 2016

It's been a good week here in Heartless Gamer Girl Land. How's it been for you? 
Until next time...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tips N Tricks Tuesday (#14) - Wrong Order, Idiot! (Witcher)

The series of blog posts in which I share a gaming tip or trick. These are mostly Borderlands. But today's is not! [happy grin]

***Wrong Order, Idiot!***
Reaping Time Main Quest
A Lost Lamb Side Quest
The Witcher

I don't come up against too many issues in The Witcher, but the other day I was playing and accidentally failed a quest that I'd all but turned in. My jaw dropped, completely shocked, but I wasn't too upset. I'd saved right before and could simply reload the game and try again. Check it out below. ▼

Monday, September 26, 2016

Movie Monday (#28) - Destroying the Destroyer (Borderlands)

The series in which I share a game or game related video that is almost always one of my own....

***Destroying the Destroyer***

There are times when boss fights are so freaking long you feel like rage quitting. This is one of those times. Borderlands games usually give me a run for my money, and this one definitely did that. So sit back and relax as you watch me die and then slowly chip away at the Destroyer's health. 

For 30 minutes.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Screenshot Saturday (#31) - Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

A smattering of screenshots from some random game I'm playing, sometimes in a rather random order...

Today's selection is from Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition. Enjoy! ♥

***Devil May Cry 4***
Special Edition

Lady walking into the game room

Friday, September 23, 2016

—Game Review— Final Fantasy Record Keeper

I'm not really into mobile games; I've always pretty much considered them throwaway games. The kids go through them like hot dinners. I've only had one or two I played for any length of time. The following is probably one I'll like for a while. 

***Final Fantasy***
Record Keeper

Published by Square Enix | Developed by DeNA
Released 2014 (Japan)/2015 (US) | JRPG
For iOS, Android | Review: Android
*Rated E10 for Everyone 10+*
Alcohol Reference | Fantasy Violence

HGG rating: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 8/10

Thursday, September 22, 2016

New Loot! (#36) - RPG Heaven Edition

The series in which I show off my shiny new games and game related loot...

***RPG Heaven!***
New Loot! #36

I am a total sucker for a Steam sale and they got to me again. And then again. Here are the latest shinies I managed to snag...

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What You Missed Wednesday (9/14-9/20)

The blog series of posts in which I list the blog posts I've posted here on this blog in the last seven days... (Yeah, that was on purpose.) :P

**What You Missed Wednesday**

What did you miss?
Until next time...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tips N Tricks Tuesday (#13) - Killing Knuckle Dragger (Borderlands 2)

The blog series in which I share or demonstrate a gaming tip or trick. These are mostly Borderlands...

***Killing Knuckle Dragger***
Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 has a crap-ton of bosses, most of whom have some spot near them where you can stand and kill them without getting killed in return. This week's tip is just such a spot, this time for the very first boss, Knuckle Dragger. ▼

Monday, September 19, 2016

Movie Monday (#27) - Death to All Miniflan! (FFXIII LR)

The blog series dedicated to showing off how freakin' great I am at this thing called gaming...or not...

**Death to All Miniflan!**
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

In yet another edition of "Death to All..." I bring you the MINIFLAN episode. This episode comes from Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, and is one of the "Last One" battles for which the game is well known. Well, known to me, at least. Enjoy! ▼

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Screenshot Saturday (#30) - DmC Skin Mods

DmC is one of my favorite games. I get a kick out of this decidedly different take on the Devil May Cry story / franchise. My favorite part of the PC edition is the modding. And I learned how to do my own skin mods. (This doesn't modify the gameplay at all.) Here are a few screens from my various PC playthroughs, featuring a few of my favorite skins I've done. Enjoy! ♥

***DmC Devil May Cry***

Dark Son skin mod for the Son of Sparda skin
(SoS skin is unlocked after beating the game on Son of Sparda difficulty.)
Bloody Blades skin mod for Samurai weapons skin
(includes Rebellion, Ebony and Ivory, Aquila, and Revenant; Samurai skin is DLC)

Friday, September 16, 2016

—Game Review— Mobius Final Fantasy

In an effort to expand my gaming horizons, I've been grabbing mobile games. Well, the free ones. The following was one I had heard about before it was released here in the US and I was really excited to get my hands on it. I am not disappointed.

***Mobius Final Fantasy***

Published and developed by Square Enix
Released 2015 (Japan)/2016 (NA) | JRPG
For iOS, Android | Review: Android
*Rated T for Teen*
Fantasy Violence | Suggestive Themes | Partial Nudity

HGG rating: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 9/10

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What You Missed Wednesday (#20)

The series in which I list the posts this blog has seen in the past seven days...

**What You Missed Wednesday**

It's that time again. What did you miss?

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tips N Tricks Tuesday (#12) - Constructor Mayhem (Borderlands 2)

***Constructor Mayhem***
Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 has a crap-ton of baddies to destroy, some of them stronger than others, though still not actual bosses. The lovely peoples behind Borderlands calls them BADASSES.

From time to time, you come up against badass constructors. I hate them with a blinding hatred. They kill me a lot unless I manage to find a Glitch Rock (i.e., a place you can stand and hit the enemy while they cannot hit you). The video below demonstrates just such a spot. ▼

Monday, September 12, 2016

Movie Monday (#26) - Mordecai vs Widowmaker (Borderlands)

The blog series where I share a video that may or may not be from one of my own gaming sessions...

***Mordecai vs Widowmaker***

There are times in gaming when the perfect moment is captured and must be shared. The following video from Borderlands is one of those moments. Besides being a spot where I could kill Widowmaker without it killing me, something happens at the end that was really cool. Check it out. ▼

Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Loot! (#35) - Flames, Faeries, Aliens, N Orcs Edition

The blog series in which I brag about my latest gaming acquisitions...

Steam has a bunch of games on sale, pretty much at any given moment. One of my favorite turn-based RPGs (Faery) happened to be included in the list this time, so I freaked out and grabbed it, along with a few others. 

***Bound By Flame***

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Screenshot Saturday (#29) - Borderlands The Pre-Sequel!

As a huge Borderlands fan, I should post some screenshots of a Borderlands game. I have a time or two, here and here, but not of the third installment in the franchise, namely the Pre-Sequel. So here you go. Enjoy! ♥

The Pre-Sequel!

I've selected my character. I love Jack. I mean, the Doppelganger...

Friday, September 9, 2016

—Game Review— Devil May Cry 4

I bought the standard edition of this game for a measly $5 one day in a huge sale Microsoft was having on Xbox Live. I liked the demo well enough to spend $5 to try the full game. Dang, I'm so glad I did! It's now in my Top 12 games.

Since I have both, I'll review the standard and special editions. They are very, very similar, especially gameplay-wise. The biggest difference is the extra playable characters you get with the SE.

***Devil May Cry 4***

Published and developed by Capcom
Released 2008/2015 | Action
For Xbox 360, PS3, PC (2008); Xbox One, PS4, PC (2015)
Review: Xbox 360 (Standard), PC (Special Edition)
*Rated M for Mature 17+*
Blood | Violence | Language 

HGG Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 9/10

Thursday, September 8, 2016

On the Horizon (#18) - Post #3 Update (FFXV)

In which I report things about upcoming game releases, and game-related products, and how they're not coming out as quickly as first reported...

***Final Fantasy XV***

Image links to Amazon, where I happened to nab it.

I originally posted about Final Fantasy XV way back when it, as well as my "On the Horizon" series, was still in its early-ish stages. So much has happened since then: two demos, an anime series based on the characters, and a prequel movie. You can see the movie trailer below. ▼

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What You Missed Wednesday (#19)

Where I list all the posts from this blog in the past seven days...

**What You Missed Wednesday**

Almost one post per day. Not too bad for how busy I am. What did you miss? 
Until next time...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tips N Tricks Tuesday (#11) - Avoiding Death (FF Type-0 HD)

I'd forgotten all about this little tip until I was looking through my gaming vidz from my PS4 games. So let's take a brief step away from Borderlands and take a look at a tip for my fellow Final Fantasy Type-0 HD players.

***Avoiding Death***
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

There is a trophy / achievement in Final Fantasy Type-0 HD called Above the Law. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out HOW to actually get that trophy. I had to look it up. 

I can't remember exactly which site finally told me what to do. It might have been that lovely site that lists all the possible trophies for a game (crap, should have bookmarked it), or it might have been IGN. I use IGN a lot. A lot a lot. Like... all the time. Love that site!

Anyway, one of those lovely sites told me what to do and after a few tries, I finally nailed it. Check out the success video below. ▼

Monday, September 5, 2016

Movie Monday (#25) - Death to All Rafflesia!! (FFXIII LR)

It's Movie Monday again and that means digging up one of my gaming clips so you can see that you don't have to be great at video games to enjoy playing them. ♥

**Death to All Rafflesia!!**
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

In yet another installment of "Death to All..." here is the video I captured of me (as Lightning) destroying the final rafflesia in Lightning Returns. It's a very short battle. The poor little slug never had a chance... (I admit, these creatures are the easiest to kill in the whole game. Well, next to the little goblin thingies. Whatever they're called. No, rafflesia are easier. Yeah, slightly.) ▼

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Screenshot Saturday (#28) - Final Fantasy XIII

I played FFXIII years ago, when it first came out. I got it for 360, paid full price, was way excited... and then a little disappointed. There will be a review explaining all that though. Meanwhile, it is a beautiful game, so here are some stills for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! ♥

***Final Fantasy XIII***

A very scenic train ride

Friday, September 2, 2016

—Game Review— Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I'm a Final Fantasy fan and this was one I was really looking forward to. Other than the graphics, I think it lived up to my expectations. 

***Final Fantasy Type-0 HD***

Published and developed by Square Enix
Published 2015 | JRPG
For PS4, Xbox One, PC | Review: PS4
(Originally released for PSP in 2011)
*Rated M for Mature 17+*
Blood | Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes | Violence
(Click HERE to see the ESRB rating details.)

HGG rating: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 8/10

Thursday, September 1, 2016

On the Horizon (#17) - SAO: Hollow Realization

In which I expound upon the virtues of upcoming games and game-related products and how much I must have them...

***Sword Art Online***
Hollow Realization

Graphic I swiped from GameStop's site. It links to GameStop. Go there if you want to preorder.

Ho. Ly. Frell. There is another SAO game coming out and it's called Hollow Realization. I know I haven't finished Hollow Fragment, and I haven't even bought Lost Song yet, but it doesn't matter. I want anything and everything associated with Sword Art Online.

So yeah, I want this. Specifically, I want the Collector's Edition with all the cool extras. I'm a total Collector's Edition whore. I want them all, even if I never play the game.

As far as I can tell, the CE is only available at GameStop and the Bandai Namco Store. According to GameStop and Amazon, this game releases Dec 31, but Bandai's site just says Fall 2016.

Until next time...

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