***A Few More PS4 Exclusives***
New Loot!
New Loot!
It's a short list this time, but that's really no excuse when each game is $20+. Anyway, here's what I grabbed...
- The Last Guardian - this was actually a purchase for hubby, as he'd expressed interest in this puzzling, platformer-ish style game. I think the huge, rodent-like creature is cute and I want to know more. lol
- Sword Art Online: Lost Song - I already had Re: Hollow Fragment, and I love the anime series, so getting this was only a matter of waiting for the price to drop a little. It did, so now it's mine, all mine.
- Exist Archive: The other side of the sky - I stumbled across this on Amazon and it looked and sounded like a game I'd enjoy. Otherwise, I'd never even heard of it.
Until next time...