Sunday, August 7, 2016

New Loot! (#34) - Tablet, Batman, and Orcs, OH MY!

More loot! Woo-hoo! Check out my latest haul from one of Steam's mid-week sales. Oh, and there might be some new hardware in there somewhere too.

The Batman games were recommended to me by my nephew. He loves anything and everything Batman. I'm not the biggest Batman fan, but I don't hate him either. These games look like they're my kind of games, regardless of the theme. And you just can't beat 75% off. lol (I got them for only $5 each.) 

I already had Shadow of Mordor for Xbox One, but I freaking hate Xbone, so I went ahead and grabbed the Steam version during a 75% off sale (set me back a whopping $10, lol). I should really give Xbone more of a chance, but.... Probably not gonna happen.

And then, hubby bought me this little beauty, an RCA Viking Pro. It's got a few things about it that drive me crazy, but it plays my mobile FF games quite beautifully. I've figured out a workaround for the annoying non-data transfer thing they implemented on it, so I can overlook that glaring complaint now.

There will be a more detailed review of this tablet on this blog soon. 

Until next time...

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