***Final Fantasy III***
Developed by Square Enix
Released 1990/2014
*Rated E 10 for Everyone 10+*
Holy crap, I'm already in love with the cuteness of this game. Definitely one of the best games I've bought and I think everyone who loves the retro, nostalgic feel of old, crappy graphics should grab this PC game. It's the FF game I'm gonna start my kids on. It's that good/fun/adorable. lol
***Final Fantasy VII***
Published by Square Enix
Developed by Square Enix
Released 1998/2013
*Rated T for Teen*
After reading the reviews for this on Steam, I wonder if buying it there was a mistake. It appears Squeenix is rather protective of this particular title and playing it not only requires an active internet connection, you also HAVE to be connected to the Square Enix site in order to play. This seems to cause many problems. I haven't tried myself yet, so I can't say from personal experience. Still, I'm concerned.
***Lightning Returns***
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
Published by Square Enix
Developed by Square Enix
PC edition released 2015
*Rated T for Teen*
I've enjoyed FFXIII-2 so much (for 360 and PC) and Lightning Returns on 360, so I knew it was just a matter of time before I grabbed the Steam version of LR:FFXIII. Well, it went on sale for half off and I gave in to temptation. It came with all the DLC schemata (outfits for Lightning that have battle perks) and there are a few mods for this game too, so... BONUS! ☺
***Forza 5***
Developed by Turn 10 Studios
Released 2013
Xbox Exclusive
*Rated E for Everyone*
Hubby bought an Xbone even though he already had one. He wanted to gift the console (and a copy of Fallout 4) to my cousin, so he grabbed a console that included a few other games. This was one of them. It's for his collection, since I don't particularly care for racing games.
***RYSE: Son of Rome***
Legendary Edition
Legendary Edition
Developed by Crytek
Released 2013
Microsoft Exclusive (Xbox One/PC only)
Microsoft Exclusive (Xbox One/PC only)
*Rated M for Mature 17+*
This came with an Xbone that hubby bought recently. I've been eyeballing this game on Steam, so I wasn't averse to acquiring it, though I'm not sure I'm OK with it being the Xbone edition instead of the PC edition. I'll make do. lol
This is the legendary edition so it has a bunch of DLC (all download codes) included.
***Sunset Overdrive***
Developed by Insomniac Games
Released 2014
Xbox Exclusive
*Rated M for Mature 17+*
Hubby bought an Xbox One and this came with it. I watched gameplay videos of this one and it seemed funny, the way Borderlands is funny. I'll probably give it a chance.
Until next time...