Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Loot! (#2)

I have the bestest* hubby ever. I really do. He doesn't understand my gaming obsession, but he tries. It's sweet. (He's a casual gamer, only playing a little here and there when the mood strikes him.)

When I approached him about the Devil May Cry 4 Collector's Edition I found on eBay—I already have the game on my xbox so I really didn't need the game again—he clicked all the required buttons to make sure it was mine, all mine. (I don't have an eBay account, and he does.) He's such a doll. ♥

In my many, many hours playing DMC4 (current count is 160+ last I checked), I realized how much I enjoyed the music. So I looked into getting the soundtrack. (I think I'm just gonna give in and collect the soundtracks from all the games I play. COLLECT ALL THE SOUNDTRACKS!!)


Anyway, I discovered the DMC4 Collector's Edition includes the soundtrack. Imagine my delight!  

So this little beauty arrives and I tear open the box. It's in a fancy metal box, with a bonus DVD and a special DVD of the animated show. I popped the bonus DVD into the computer and pored over the content, eager to find the music, determined to have it on my mp3 player within the next twenty minutes.

Alas, "game soundtrack" does not mean the whole soundtrack. It means five (FIVE!!!) songs from the game. Granted, they are the main songs, the ones that would probably be most in demand, but still. FIVE.

I'll get over my disappointment, and I'll enjoy these five songs until I get my hands on the WHOLE soundtrack. But that doesn't mean I'm not pouting right now. :'(

*You may not think bestest is a word, but my best friend assures me it is, and she's never wrong. ;)

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