Here's a game I've been looking forward to for some time now. ☺
Developed by Gearbox Software
Will be released Feb 2016
*Rating Pending*
(most likely M for Mature 17+)
I love the Borderlands games and after watching a few gameplay videos of Battleborn, I want it. It reminds me in many ways of Borderlands and that shouldn't be surprising considering it's Gearbox and 2K again.
This game has 25 different characters, 10 of which have been revealed on the official site. Multiplayer is a huge deal in this game, but I was relieved to find out that's not all it is. I'm not a fan of online multiplayer, so I'm really looking forward to, as is the case with most games I play, the Story Mode.
As much as I want another Borderlands, I think this game will satisfy me until Gearbox decides it's time for another foray into vault hunting. Fingers crossed.
Until next time...